
The Rees Family Responds

In response to Chuck Trudeau’s letter, I think it is time that we enlighten Mr. Trudeau and other readers of the events leading to the decision to part with our “wonder dog” Dusty.

Little does Mr. Trudeau know that during the last nine months prior to Dusty’s epic journey there were a number of not-so-wonderful events.

Let me begin with poor Sheba, Dusty’s four-year-old mother, a collie mix. Sheba by nature is a placid, friendly dog with motherly instincts. In fact when it came to chow time, Sheba frequently left some of her food for Dusty. This we thought was cute--until Dusty, after having her fill, would demand and steal all of mom’s food until Sheba became weak and unable to fight off Dusty’s attacks.


This we soon corrected.

Later we noted an increased amount of damage to our garden furnishings and spa, including plants being dug up and trash strewn all over the back yard.

This again we fixed.

Finally the perpetual barking--day and night--was plaguing the neighborhood and we knew it was time to act. We then spent more time with both the dogs and even attempted obedience lessons--to no avail.

But we still had hope until one horrifying day Dusty turned on our children, two and four years of age. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It may be considered normal for dogs to become aggressive in the presence of children, but not in our home.


I knew it was time to part, but how?

Both of us felt strongly against putting Dusty to sleep. After numerous inquiries to friends and neighbors, we found a colleague at work who agreed to take Dusty off our hands.

The rest is history.

Now that Dusty’s incredible journey is over and she has returned home a hero--and regardless of Dusty’s Hussein-like destruction--she remains free, healthy and unharmed and our family is whole once again. We feel terrible that it all happened.

