
Rescue of the Freeway Foxes a Case of Misplaced Priorities

Many of us would like returned to us the taxpayer money that was spent to pay state Sen. Marian Bergeson, Gov. Pete Wilson and the other government people for their wasted time in deciding what to do with the foxes. We could then either feed a homeless family for six months or help care for a sick child in Children’s Hospital of Orange County.

I really appreciate Dana Parsons’ column (“Charity Begins With a Home--for Folks as Well as Foxes,” May 1) on “. . . how well the state handled the matter of the homeless. Whoops, I mean the matter of the red foxes.” It was a ridiculous waste of manpower, time and money when we have such tragic occurrences happening that never make the headlines. Can’t we help human beings instead of animals?

J. WALL, Newport Beach
