
Mayor Bradley and L.A. Crime

Mayor Bradley, do we live in the same city? Although I have only been a resident of this city for five years, I have already seen dramatic changes that are contrary to your opinion.

No, crime is not confined to a limited area, particularly crime that is gang-related. I live and work in West Los Angeles. Increasingly, gang activity, gang graffiti and gang members are seen strolling around all of our city’s streets.

In the past five years I have had a car stolen, two car stereos stolen, my wallet stolen and most recently my home was burglarized. Rarely a weekend passes that innocent people aren’t killed in some gang-related activity. We hardly dare go to Westwood, Hollywood or even local beaches anymore. We’ve alarmed our cars. We’ve alarmed our houses. What else can we do?


Only the very few living in Malibu or Bel-Air--and those like our mayor who have 24-hour personal armies--can live without worry of personal attack. Bring your message to Los Angeles, Mr. Mayor; unlike those in Tokyo, we don’t believe you. Probably the only way we will see a change is if tourism does start dropping.


Los Angeles
