
BASEBALL : DAILY REPORT : ANGELS : Port Cancels Conference Call

Mike Port, fired as general manager Tuesday, canceled a conference call with reporters Wednesday. A club spokesman said Port “had someplace he had to be.” There was no immediate word on when Port would comment publicly on his dismissal.

Wally Joyner, outspoken in his criticism of Port’s firing, said he hadn’t received any rebukes for his comments. “Not yet,” he said.

Dave Parker entered Wednesday’s game with a five-game hitting streak after enduring a three-for-33 slump that dropped his batting average to .175. “I feel a lot better and I’m seeing the ball better,” he said. “It’s time to start making some serious noise.”


Cleveland infielder Jeff Manto, a former Angel minor leaguer, wasn’t angry with onetime teammate Bryan Harvey for hitting him with a pitch Tuesday. “Maybe I owed him back rent from Quad City,” Manto said. . . . Infielder Donnie Hill is wearing padding to protect his sprained his left thumb. “It’s just a little sore,” said Hill, who incurred the injury Sunday. . . . Outfielder Dave Gallagher, who hasn’t played since April 20, hasn’t been getting much fan mail. He’s embarrassed about looking like a forgotten man. “Kirk McCaskill said I can put some of his letters in my box,” Gallagher said. . . . Rod Carew left the Angels after the 1985 season, not 1986 as was stated n Wednesday’s editions.
