
Quayle Golf Trip Aboard AF Jet Reported

<i> Associated Press</i>

Vice President Dan Quayle took a weekend golfing trip on an Air Force jet that left only hours after President Bush promised a full-scale review of taxpayer-financed travel, CBS News reported Wednesday evening.

Quayle, joined by Transportation Secretary Samuel K. Skinner, left last Friday for two days of golf at Augusta, Ga., while Washington was abuzz over White House Chief of Staff John H. Sununu’s frequent flights on Air Force jets, the network said.

Quayle spokesman David Beckwith responded that vice presidents have been traveling on Air Force planes as a normal procedure for decades. “Any time he goes on any trip whether it’s for any purpose it’s on a governmental plane, that’s the way the policy is set up and it has been for 40 years.


“So where is the news value in this?” Beckwith said. “This is another media cheap shot at Dan Quayle.”

CBS said no government business was conducted on the trip, which the network said cost $27,000.
