
Vault Left on Freeway Turns Out to Be Safe

A Los Angeles city truck driver was about to enter the Golden State Freeway in Pacoima on Wednesday morning when he noticed a small safe that had been dumped at the Osborne Street on-ramp and pulled over for a closer look.

What he saw was a handwritten sign reading: “Bomb Inside. Good Luck,” police said later.

So the driver placed the safe in his dirt-hauling truck and headed for the nearest police station, the Foothill Division.

Before the safe was destroyed at a nearby county Fire Department facility, a portion of Osborne Street outside the police station was closed, and officers in part of the station were moved elsewhere, Lt. Thomas Maeweather said.


Ultimately, the safe was found to be just that.

Members of the Police Department’s bomb squad detonated the safe and found no sign of explosives inside, Maeweather said.
