
Landlord Sentenced in Property Violations

A Northridge man, called “one of the more unrepentant slum lords we’ve ever prosecuted” by City Atty. James Hahn, has been sentenced to six months in jail, a term that could double if he fails to repair one of his properties within 60 days.

Timothy Michael Preis, 41, who had been convicted of building-code violations at five apartment houses over the past five years, must bring his 81-unit apartment complex at 720 S. Westlake Ave. into compliance with city regulations by June 14 or face twice as much jail time, the Los Angeles city attorney’s office announced Wednesday.

Municipal Judge Patti Jo McKay, who heard the case, also placed Preis on three years probation and forbade him to acquire any multiunit residential rental property while on probation, Deputy City Atty. Richard M. Bobb said.


Preis, convicted of similar charges during four previous prosecutions dating to 1986, faces another six-month jail term that was imposed in January, 1990, upon his conviction of 33 housing-code violations, Bobb said. Preis appealed the earlier six-month sentence but it was tentatively upheld last week, Bobb said.

The sentence imposed on Preis this week will be added to that term if it stands, Bobb said.
