
Pico Rivera : Murder, Robbery, Assault Statistics Rise During 1990

Several categories of major crime increased considerably in 1990 for this city of about 59,000. The number of murders increased 75% from four to seven, robberies rose 22%, and assaults increased 64%. Burglaries were up 4%. There were decreases in the numbers of rapes and auto thefts from 1989 to 1990.

The statistics were released by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, which provides law enforcement in the Pico Rivera area.

The crime trends in Pico Rivera reflect what is happening elsewhere, particularly in urban areas, city spokesman Bill Schlapper said in a news release.


The key to decreasing crime rates is community involvement through such programs as Neighborhood Watch and crime prevention through educating children about the dangers of gang involvement and narcotics, said Capt. Tom Sams, commander of the Pico Rivera sheriff’s station.
