
Walnut : Horse Trail Link Sought

The city may go to court to gain the use of an 80-foot-long strip of land that would link portions of Walnut’s 26-mile equestrian trail system.

The City Council voted 5 to 0 last week to try to acquire the right-of-way in the 300 block of Bourdet Avenue, but told the city Contract Committee to continue negotiations with the property owner, Virginia Garbedian.

Konrad Larson, Garbedian’s attorney, said the city has not offered a fair price for the proposed 10-by-80-foot easement. He said the offer of between $1,700 and $1,800 was “grossly inadequate” for the “demeaning of the property” as a horse trail.


Garbedian’s husband, Paul, said the trail would bring noise, litter and other distractions. “We’re not greedy people, but we have a right to ask a fair price for this property,” he said.
