
COUNTYWIDE : Lagomarsino Plans to Back Brady Bill

Rep. Robert J. Lagomarsino (R-Ventura) said that Tuesday he plans to buck his party leaders and vote for a controversial bill that would require a seven-day waiting period for handgun purchasers.

“I’m not particularly enthused about it,” Lagomarsino said, “but I’m probably going to vote for it.”

Lagomarsino was one of 45 Republicans who broke ranks with Republican leaders in 1988 to vote for the so-called Brady bill.


It is named for James A. Brady, President Reagan’s press secretary who was severely wounded in an assassination attempt on the President in 1981. Brady has become a major promoter of the legislation.

Lagomarsino said he would prefer to vote for the seven-day waiting period as part of an overall legislative package to get tough on crime.

But he said he plans to vote for the Brady bill and an amendment from a Republican colleague that calls for instant background checks on prospective handgun buyers.


The Brady bill would not affect those buying firearms in California, where law now requires a 15-day waiting period.
