
FOUNTAIN VALLEY : Protests Lead to New Site for 3 Classrooms

To ease the property concerns of hundreds of residents who live near Roch Courreges Elementary School, the Fountain Valley School District has announced that it will move three portable classrooms to another place on campus.

The classrooms, which are to be placed at Courreges this summer, will house the Extended School Program--a day-care option offered to students in kindergarten through fourth grade. The self-supporting program, which costs from $32 to $232 a month per child, is in effect at six of the district’s eight elementary schools.

The portable classrooms will be placed next to the rear of the parking lot, near the playground, instead of its original location at the front of the campus along Santa Carlotta Street. Residents who protested the latter placement feared that the classrooms would be unattractive and might lower property values.


The change, made last week, is estimated to cost $35,167--double the original location’s cost because of additional sewer, telephone and electrical lines. District officials will allocate the additional funds for the move from its deferred maintenance fund.

“The district will own the facilities anyway, so contributing the money is appropriate,” said Supt. Ruben L. Ingram.
