
FULLERTON : Retired Teachers Provide Scholarship

Retired teachers Bernhard J. and Vivian W. Strand are leaving $50,000 to Cal State Fullerton to endow a teacher education scholarship, university officials announced.

The Strand scholarship is intended to assist students seeking their teaching credential in the university’s School of Human Development and Community Service. Recipients must demonstrate financial need and be under the age of 30. The Strands, who were both born in 1900, worked for many years as teachers and principals in the Los Angeles Unified School District. They live in Cypress and have made the university the beneficiary of their estate, which is valued at $50,000.

Leo Cullum, associate director for university relations and development, told the campus newspaper that the Strands are a “very private couple” who declined an offer of a luncheon in their honor.


In a statement to the university, the couple said the endowment is “an expression of our lifelong commitment to public education and the honorable role of the teacher.”

Mary Kay Tetreault, dean of the School of Human Development and Community Service, said the endowment comes at an especially critical time because the state is expected to need 170,000 new teachers by the year 2000.
