
Migrant Camp

If John Glionna is professional enough to be hired by The Times, he should be professional enough to realize that the lead on the “Joint Effort to Save Migrant Camp Fails” story (April 5) is blatant opinion--his opinion, and an inaccurate one. And if he did not realize it, his editor certainly should have.

It didn’t matter one whit to the balance of North County residents whether the camp “represented an alien culture.” What mattered was that any property owner would be out of his mind to take on the liability of a camp full of illegal (or even legal) immigrants in this viciously litigious society we have created. I can’t believe they allowed them to stay as long as they did!

Our welfare-heavy government must surely have half a dozen programs to help these people, and that property owner has no doubt paid his more-than-fair share of taxes to support those programs.


I must admit, however, that I wondered where the INS was during all the “unusual efforts” made to allow these people to continue living in those fields. I hope that in America, having people living in hovels amid trash and their own feces will always remain “alien.”

