
Bradley Recall

I was disappointed to see The Times report uncritically that “100 professionals and organizations” in the Latino community are supporting a recall petition directed at Mayor Tom Bradley (Metro, April 17).

The distinct impression was left that a large number of Latino organizations are supporting this recall effort. While our community certainly has a diversity of opinion on every public issue, the majority of responsible leaders are opposed to this effort because it would detract from addressing the many real problems within the LAPD.

The goals of the Latino community--political empowerment, civil rights, economic development, affordable housing, a fair distribution of government services and benefits and equal employment opportunities--will not be served by launching what could be perceived as a fratricidal attack on the African-American community and its leadership. It could be that many African-Americans are probably already perceiving it as such, and wrongly assuming that a few individuals represent the entire community.


I would like to see those Latinos involved in this recall drive direct their energies toward progressive, foundation-building efforts to advance the needs of our community, as well as the best hopes of all people who have less than a full share of the American dream.


Councilman, 14th District

Los Angeles
