
MEINERS OAKS : Elementary School Principal to Retire

Marvin C. Van Wagner, 60, principal of Meiners Oaks Elementary School for 13 years, will retire June 28.

Ojai Unified School District Supt. Andrew C. Smidt is recommending that Van Wagner’s post be given to Joan Adams, instruction director of the Tehachapi Unified School District in Kern County. The school board will consider her appointment Tuesday.

Smidt said Van Wagner’s leadership will be missed at the largest of Ojai’s five elementary schools. With 618 pupils, Meiners Oaks has a higher enrollment than the district’s single junior high.


“Marv has been an outstanding principal,” Smidt said. “He has demonstrated consistent caring and concerns for the students and provided compassionate leadership for the students and staff.”

In 1987, after 21 pupils waiting for a school bus saw a fatal accident in which a garbage truck backed over a man and his wife on their morning walk, Van Wagner had the district psychologist at the school in 20 minutes to begin counseling the children.

Van Wagner noted that he is retiring from full-time administration at the same time his first Meiners Oaks kindergarten pupils are graduating from high school.


With 24 years in administration, Van Wagner said he plans to work part time as a consultant for the Ventura County Superintendent of Schools.

Van Wagner previously served six years as principal of Mira Monte Elementary School and five as principal of the former Ojai Elementary School after 11 years of teaching that began in Glendale in 1956.

“It’s been a delight working for this district,” Van Wagner said. “It’s like a family and they’re very good to us.”
