
BACKGROUND: A December, 1990, article described Bill...

BACKGROUND: A December, 1990, article described Bill and Donna Digman’s attempts to prove that their son’s death was a murder, not a suicide. Marine Capt. Jeffrey Digman, 30, was found dead in January, 1989, shot in the head in his Temecula home. Marine officials and the Riverside coroner ruled his death a suicide.

UPDATE: The Armed Forces medical examiner has ruled that Digman’s death was not a suicide, but resulted from undetermined circumstances. Dr. Richard C. Froede said he reviewed coroner’s and Naval investigative service reports, autopsy accounts and The Times article. The Digmans, who live in Cypress, have spent $80,000 trying to track the killer, re-creating the death scene in their home and hiring two detectives, four pathologists and one scientist. For the Digmans, the recent ruling is a victory--of sorts. While officials have reclassified the nature of Digman’s death, the military has closed the investigation and says it will not reopen it unless new leads surface. Says Digman’s father: “He’s in a grave out there and the most we can say is: ‘Jeffrey, we can’t find out how you died.’ ”

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