
Work on Freeway Connector Begins

Politicians representing the city, county, state and federal government showed up in force Friday to take credit for the long-awaited groundbreaking for the $33-million connector between the Moorpark and Simi Valley freeways.

State Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) looked around at fellow politicos--from Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) to Moorpark Mayor Paul W. Lawrason--and commented, “I am reminded of a quote by John F. Kennedy: ‘Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan.’ ”

All reminded the nearly 100 people gathered in Moorpark that the project was a long time in coming but completion is within reach. It has been 11 years since citizens and politicians began to push the state for funds to bridge the 2.2-mile gap between the freeways. The connection is scheduled for completion in two years.


Eleven government officials watched as a bulldozer cut the first swath through a hillside at the end of the Moorpark Freeway.

The project will be a long bridge that rises above the city of Moorpark from the Simi Valley Freeway to the Moorpark Freeway. About 23,000 vehicles from both freeways now use Los Angeles Avenue each day, clogging traffic all day in downtown Moorpark.

Without the connector, it is expected that traffic on Los Angeles Avenue would increase to 72,000 vehicles per day by 2010.
