
Board Action Hurts the War on Drugs

Recently, the Moorpark Unified school board saw fit to return a student to Chaparral Middle School, who, after a hearing, had been determined guilty of selling drugs to another student on campus. The recommendation of the principal and the superintendent of the district was to expel the student, but the board immediately suspended that expulsion as they did in a similar situation two years ago.

As a caring staff, we adamantly protest the action of the board. For the past three years we have told our students through programs such as Red Ribbon Week, Quest, DART and DARE that drugs are not to be tolerated. With one mindless act, the board negated all those efforts to counteract drug abuse. The message from the board is: “You can sell drugs on campus with little or no consequence.”

We certainly have concern for the individuals involved in this case; however, our greatest concern must be with the effects of such a message on the entire student body of Chaparral Middle School.




Chaparral Middle School


Editor’s note: This letter was signed by 40 other staff members from Chaparral Middle School.
