
Story on Military ‘Expert’ Draws Fire at KNX, Reporter

We are appalled at the underlying viciousness that exudes from the article written by Mark I. Pinsky in reference to Mr. Lightbody.

We question the motives of your journalist. In our opinion, he appears to have an unrevealed conflict, not informative but destructive. His implied tone and conclusions come through as a person who is bitter and envious.

Please, please do not send him to interview patriotic Americans. He appears to have a personal conflict, possibly in the activist realm.


We love our great country and all the high technology that has made us a “super power,” and proud Americans we are. God bless Mr. Lightbody for being so well informed and talented in the high-tech field. He is a master at translating technical language into laymen’s terms, truly an exceptional, gifted young man. We started buying his publications 10 years ago, and his television and KNX radio spots are very welcome in our house. KNX is the only station tuned in on our car.

This young man is a credit to his country. His accomplishments have not come without a great effort and hard work. We wish there were more like him, but too few have his level of intelligence nor could they master his schedule.

Hopefully you will take into consideration our concern regarding the questionable motives of your employee that could be classified in the category of a character assassination or mudslinging.



