
BASEBALL DAILY REPORT : AROUND THE MAJOR LEAGUES : Comiskey Park Falling Before Wrecking Ball

“The Hardest Hitters of All Time,” read a large banner stretched Wednesday over the main entrance of Comiskey Park. It was Speedway Wrecking Co.

Demolition crews began knocking down the oldest stadium in major league baseball to provide parking for the newest park, also named Comiskey, across 35th Street in Chicago.

Boos resounded from scores of fans who showed up at 10 a.m. for the first swing of the wrecking ball against the outer right-field wall of the 81-year-old stadium.


Then, the crowd broke out in the familiar Comiskey ditty, “Na-na-na-na, Na-na-na-na, Hey, hey, hey, goodby.”
