
April Glaspie’s Testimony

In response to “Bureaucracy Watch: Cable Vision” (editorial, March 22):

Come on you guys, if you think Glaspie needs “vindication,” you are the only ones who saw her testimony before the Senate and House who do. She said the so-called transcript of her meeting with Hussein was edited to the point that the description of the record of the meeting as a “transcript” was improper. Who do you want us to believe, Saddam or Glaspie?

Democratic senators have the power to subpoena the cable and to compel Glaspie’s testimony under oath. The reason they don’t want to is because they saw they had a tiger by the tail and they were doing their best to turn it loose before they got bit.

If State Department officials were willing to let Glaspie lie to the Senate and House in her testimony, what makes you think that they would not falsify a copy of the cable? No, the only reason that you would like to see the cable released is because then a precedent would have been set and the next time you wanted to see a State Department cable you would say “you let us see it in the Glaspie case.” Sorry guys, no such luck.


FRANK WAGNER, Playa del Rey
