
When it comes to managing time, we...

When it comes to managing time, we tend to go for the juggler, spelled throat. No either-or mentality for us, friends; Do It All is embroidered across that well-known fabric of our lives. Get that promotion! Catch that flick! Write that letter! Hike that hike!

Four balls in the air? Do the taxes, join that group, make that party, read that book!


Actually, to lie in a dreamy heap on the floor after being knocked senseless by eight balls can be very restful--compared to life, that is.

For a while.

What’s the answer? Learn to sleep two hours less every night? Don’t do it all? Do all but less of each? Just do some?


Now Time Management generally sounds about as enticing as a sawdust sandwich. But Time Management at Temple Akiba has a more mellow ring to it. At the idea, the tongue descends from the roof of the mouth, the shoulders drop, and behind the breastbone, relaxation uncurls like incense smoke.

The lecture, at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, is called “Tips for Juggling Schedules,” and the temple is at 5249 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City. It’s free, and further information is available at (213) 398-5783. We’re going to be there. If we can find the time.
