

Here is a city-by-city look at drought-related measures taken by municipal and private water suppliers serving the South Bay. Only mandatory measures are listed. Failure to comply with the measures could result in penalties ranging from fines to the interruption of water service.

For more detailed information, contact the agency or company listed on your water bill.

* It takes about 6 million gallons of water a month to keep the grass green at the 18-hole Palos Verdes Country Club golf course in Palos Verdes Estates--enough to meet the monthly water demand of 500 single-family homes. Thirstier still is the Mobil Oil refinery in Torrance, which consumes about 150 gallons of municipal water a month--enough for 12,500 single-family homes.

* With a running hose, it takes about 150 gallons of water for the average do-it-yourself carwash. That’s equal to 30 office cooler-size bottles of water. The stingiest water miser--armed with a bucket and hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle--needs just 10 gallons to get the job done.


* When restaurants provide customers with water only on request, they save much more than the average 12-ounce serving. An estimated 48 ounces is required to wash the glass, meaning it takes almost half a gallon of water to quench a diner’s thirst.

* South Bay cities are trying to hook residents on xeriscape gardening--landscapes that feature native, drought-resistant plants. Several cities are installing xeriscapes on municipal land, including Gardena and Inglewood. The largest such project in the South Bay involves 20 acres along Hermosa Beach’s Green Belt. Some of the plants being used: sea lavender, oleander, aloe, bougainvillea. Some of the trees: eucalyptus, coral gum and California pepper.


City* (supplier) Cutback Ordered Base Period Carson 10% cut as of 1989 for (Dominguez Water Co.) March 1; 20% as of residents, April 1 fiscal 1989-90 for businesses El Segundo 20% cut as of June 1, March 1 for large 1989-May commercial water 31, ’90 users; April 1 for homeowners and small businesses Hawthorne 10% cut as of June 1989- (city water system) March 1 Hermosa Beach 20% cut as of June 1989- March 1; 30% May ’90 as of April 1 Manhattan Beach 20% cut as of April 1 1989 Palos Verdes Estates 20% cut as of June 1989- March 1; 30% May ’90 as of April 1 Rancho Palos Verdes 20% cut as of June 1989- March 1; 30% May ’90 as of April 1 Redondo Beach 20% cut as of June 1989- March 1; 30% May ’90 as of April 1 Rolling Hills 20% cut as of June 1989- March 1; 30% May ’90 as of April 1 Rolling Hills Estates 20% cut as of June 1989- March 1; 30% May ’90 as of April 1 Torrance 20% cut as of 1989 (city water system) March 1 Torrance 10% cut as of 1989 for (Dominguez Water Co.) March 1; 20% as of residents, April 1 fiscal 1989-90 for businesses Torrance 20% cut as of June 1989- (California Water Service) March 1; 30% as of May ’90 April 1


Max. Daily Use (in Gallons) for City* (supplier) Exemption** Carson none (Dominguez Water Co.) El Segundo 375 Hawthorne 237 May ’90 Hermosa Beach 150 Manhattan Beach 300 Palos Verdes Estates 150 Rancho Palos Verdes 150 Redondo Beach 150 Rolling Hills 150 Rolling Hills Estates 150 Torrance 325 (city water system) Torrance none (Dominguez Water Co.) Torrance 150 (California Water Service)

* Rationing not in effect in Avalon, Gardena, Inglewood, Lawndale, Lomita and those portions of Carson and Hawthorne served by Southern Califorina Water Co.

** Residents who keep water use below the specifed level are exempt from rationing measures.



Avalon No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose No lawn watering during most day hours Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains

Carson* (Dominguez Water Co.) No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains

El Segundo No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose No lawn watering during most day hours Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains

Hawthorne* (City water system) No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No lawn watering during most day hours Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains

Hermosa Beach No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites

Inglewood No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No car washing with free-flowing hose No lawn watering during most day hours Water in restaurants only served by request


Lawndale No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose No lawn watering during most day hours Water in restaurants only served by request

Lomita No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose No lawn watering during most day hours Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains

Los Angeles No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No lawn watering during most day hours Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Low-flow showers and toilets in new construction

Manhattan Beach No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose No lawn watering during most day hours Watering of lawns only on every third day Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains

Palos Verdes Estates No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites

Rancho Palos Verdes No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites


Redondo Beach No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites

Rolling Hills No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites

Rolling Hills Estates No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites

Torrance (City water system) No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose No lawn watering during most day hours Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains

Torrance (Dominguez Water Co.) No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites

Torrance (California Water Service) No hosing off driveways, walkways and patios No water runoff in streets or gutters No car washing with free-flowing hose Water in restaurants only served by request Ban on non-recycling decorative fountains Ban on dampening of dirt at building sites
