
Rap Wars: Do We Care About Whether Ice Will Be Hammered?

Regarding the March 17 cover story about the feud between Vanilla Ice and M.C. Hammer: Who cares? To devote seven pages to the bickering of pop stars is not only a waste of paper but a waste of your readers’ time.

In L.A. recently there was a very noteworthy event--a concert of women rappers. The messages of Queen Latifah and Yo-Yo, to name only two, would be much more relevant to your readership than the question of whether Hammer or Ice is the better dancer.

In the wake of the brutal beating of Rodney King by the LAPD, it is apparent that the public must stop seeking escape in the mindless fluff now topping the charts and wake up to the true message of social change offered by Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions and Ice-T.



Long Beach

Calendar ran a report on the rise of female rappers, including Queen Latifah and Yo-Yo, last Aug. 19, as well as an advance feature on and a review of the rappers’ Valentine Day concert at the Los Angeles Sports Arena.
