
Rites Held for Leukemia Victim Brittany Engle, 5


Funeral services were conducted Thursday for Brittany Engle, the little girl whose illness was diagnosed as leukemia while her father was stationed in Saudi Arabia.

Gary Engle, an Army medic, rushed back to the United States to be with his daughter after the diagnosis was made in January at Children’s Hospital of Orange County.

“She was real glad to have him back,” said Brittany’s mother, Lori Engle. “He was a medic . . . and she thought he was real strong.”


Brittany, who celebrated her fifth birthday in the hospital, died early Sunday morning.

The child fought the disease as best she could, Lori Engle said, but knew she was dying.

“Brittany told the doctor once that she saw Jesus on the end of her bed,” Engle said. “She told me that she had dreams about angels.”

Mary Jane Clayton, Brittany’s grandmother, said the child brought joy to the family.

“She was a remarkable little girl, and there were so many nice things about her,” she said.

Lori Engle said her daughter will be remembered for the love and happiness she shared with others.


“I want everyone to remember the special things she brought into (everyone’s) life,” she said. “And (we will) remember all the special people she brought into our lives. . . . She was very special.”
