
Unbelieving Tellers Thwart Bank Robber

The holdup man’s note was frightening enough: Hand over the money and no one will get hurt.

Trouble was, the bank tellers didn’t believe it. And the would-be robber watched in amazement as tellers thwarted the holdup by boldly calling police and activating alarms. According to Burbank Police Sgt. Don Goldberg, this is how the foiled robbery unfolded:

About 12:30 p.m. the unarmed man walked into the Security Pacific Bank branch in the 200 block of Pass Avenue. He slipped a note to teller Mary Krikorian demanding all the money in the cash drawers. Not knowing what to do, Krikorian passed the note to supervisor Barbara Moore.


Moore read the note, looked at the man and asked, “Are you kidding?”

The man handed over another note. “I want all the money. Quick. No funny business.”

Moore again asked if the man was joking.

No, he insisted, he wanted the money.

“I don’t believe this,” Moore said, and told another employee to call 911 and activate the bank’s alarm. The suspect fled from the bank before police arrived.

“He was last seen running from the bank with a disappointed look on his face,” Goldberg said.
