
Man in Attack on Girl Pleads Guilty


A Stanton man was released from jail Monday after pleading guilty to felony assault in the slashing of 15-year-old Amber Jefferson during a highly publicized brawl last August.

Orange County Superior Court Judge Theodore E. Millard sentenced 18-year-old Kurt David Wimberly to three years’ probation in an agreement worked out between his attorney and prosecutors. Wimberly, who has been in custody since shortly after the Aug. 6 incident, was released from Orange County Jail Monday evening.

He could have faced up to eight years in prison if he had been convicted on all the charges originally filed against him, including mayhem, assault with a deadly weapon and intent to commit great bodily harm.


“We had a lot of witness problems,” said Deputy Dist. Atty. Kathi Harper, explaining her decision not to pursue a trial. “I’m glad it’s over for everyone’s sake.”

Amber’s face was permanently scarred during a late-night brawl of a dozen youths, some of whom were armed with bats and boards. Prosecutors allege that during the fighting, Wimberly threw a piece of glass, striking Amber. The case generated widespread attention when Amber and her parents claimed that the incident was racially motivated. Amber is the daughter of a white mother and black father, while Wimberly is white.

Prosecutors, who have long since rejected allegations that she was attacked because of her race, said Monday that they agreed to the plea bargain in part because sympathy for the victim was waning. During preliminary hearings, testimony revealed that Amber had been out past midnight drinking and partying moments before the incident occurred.


Amber testified Monday that she was satisfied with the plea bargain because Wimberly had admitted his guilt, the prosecutor said.

“There’s always been a big sympathy factor from our standpoint . . . ,” Harper said. “But there was some concern about how much sympathy the jurors would have now.”
