
Fluor Executive Sees Much That Firm Could Do


After his return from a recent tour of Kuwait, Fluor Corp. executive Gerald Glenn said he saw plenty of potential work for the engineering and construction firm in repairing oil fields and refineries.

“Clearly the problems with the oil fields are greater than anyone could imagine,” said Glenn, who is group president of Irvine-based Fluor’s largest subsidiary, Fluor Daniel Inc.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. March 20, 1991 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday March 20, 1991 Orange County Edition Business Part D Page 2 Column 3 Financial Desk 2 inches; 45 words Type of Material: Correction
Kuwait trip--A story Tuesday incorrectly described how a congressman paid for a trip to Kuwait. Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach) said he declined an offer from Fluor Corp. to pay his expenses for the recent trip. He said the trip was paid for by the National Forum Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Washington.

Glenn joined Commerce Secretary Robert A. Mosbacher and other U.S. government officials and representatives of other American businesses on the first U.S. trade mission to Kuwait since the Gulf War. The group returned to Washington Sunday.


As the group’s plane prepared to land in Kuwait Thursday morning, “the sky outside was as dark as night” from the smoke rising from oil field fires, Glenn said in a telephone interview from Greenville, S.C.

“We assessed the damage in oil fields (and to the) infrastructure, private homes, hotels and office buildings,” Glenn said. “And we had a first-hand look at what has been termed ‘the highway to hell,’ the 10-mile stretch of road between Kuwait City and Basra, Iraq, that is littered with hand grenades, booby traps and land mines.”

Fluor has been talking to Kuwaiti officials about playing a role in the country’s reconstruction since the Iraqis invaded Kuwait last August. On his recent trip, Glenn said, he spoke to “everyone from the crown prince on down.”


So far, Fluor does not have a contract.

Glenn said that the Kuwaiti government has not awarded contracts for the bulk of the reconstruction and that the government is preoccupied with putting out the many oil field fires. That process seems to be moving slowly, he said.

“We offered our suggestions of things the Kuwaitis could do to speed up the process,” Glenn said.

Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach), one of those who made the trip to Kuwait, returned with criticism of the Kuwaiti government for not moving fast enough to repair the war damage. “The state of Kuwait has yet to take the bull by the horns and do what should be done,” he said. “This is a world disaster. It will not do to go about things as leisurely as has been the case.”


Cox suggested that the Kuwaiti government should hire project managers from private industry to oversee such tasks as firefighting, rebuilding utilities and other services and restoring housing and roads.

And Cox says he is trying to help Orange County firms get some of that work. He provided the Kuwaitis with information from about 16 Orange County firms with expertise ranging from engineering to asbestos removal and home building.

Cox said he also lobbied the Kuwaiti government on behalf of Fluor and the Bechtel Corp., a large engineering and construction firm based in San Francisco. Cox said that Charles Lacey, president of Bechtel’s Middle East region and an Orange County resident, also participated in the trade mission to Kuwait. Fluor paid the air fare for a dozen members of Congress, including Cox, who made the trip.

Cox said he plans to organize a seminar in Orange County early next month for officials of local companies to discuss Kuwait business opportunities with representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Commerce Department and the Kuwaiti government.


Nearly 20 Orange County-based companies are seeking work rebuilding Kuwait. Rep. Christoper Cox (R-Newport Beach) said the following companies have contacted his office seeking help in landing contracts with the Kuwaiti government.

Company Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates Business Engineers, planners and surveyors Company Gates Salvage Team Business Salvage equipment Company Kubly & Associates Business Industrial development and construction Company Ralph Allen & Partners Business Architects Company VTN Corp. Business Infrastructure/engineers Company Consolidated Bolt & Nut Co. Business Certified raw materials Company Debeus Energy Saving Services Contractor Business Engineering, purchasing, instalation, operation, maintenance Company Automech Business Build, repair specialized machinery Company GKN Rentals Business Construction equipment rental Company Waste Management Inc. Business Waste clean-up Company The Total Solution Inc. Business Computer products assembly, facilities maintenance Company Kathryn G. Thompson Development Business Housing and commercial building Company Orco Block and Masonry Builders Business Masonry Company Wood Burghard Architects Business Architects, planning, interiors Company United Medical Systems Business Distribution of X-ray equipment Company QHI Inc. Business Asbestos abatement services Company Americom Business Office systems, business machines SOURCE: Rep. Christopher Cox
