
SIMI VALLEY : Suspect Arrested in Bank Robbery

A Simi Valley man has been arrested in connection with the Jan. 28 robbery of a Simi Valley branch of the Bank of America, based on phone calls to the FBI saying that the man resembles the one in a photograph taken by a bank security camera.

Mark Verheggen, 25, was arrested at a residence in Simi Valley Thursday evening. The arrest came after phone calls prompted by the photo in local newspapers led FBI investigators and officers from the Simi Valley Police Department to him, Gary G. Auer, supervisory special agent, said.

Verheggen is also a suspect in three other Los Angeles area bank robberies: First Nationwide Bank in Northridge, Feb. 16; Bank of America in Saugus, Feb. 21, and Valley Federal Savings in Canoga Park, March 5.
