
Storm’s Runoff, Drought Raise Issues of Conservation, Waste

The Times reported (“3 Water Districts Fined in Drought,” March 8) on fines levied on Laguna Beach and Newport Beach water districts (with the penalties to be passed on to consumers) for failures to meet required reductions in water consumption.

These two coastal cities are reported to be among those hardest hit by the drought crisis.

Isn’t it ironic that right along Pacific Coast Highway between these two cities a massive new luxury resort area is being developed unmindful of any water shortage?

This development, known as Newport Coast, has proceeded planting thousands of young and mature trees, creating two new golf courses and preparing for the construction of four luxury resort hotels and up to 2,600 magnificent new homes for the wealthy.


All of this creates huge new demands for water. None of this development is necessary in this period of a severe water shortage.

Why can’t steps be taken to put a hold on this luxury development until the total area’s water crisis is stabilized?

BOB FLANNES, Laguna Beach
