
Colorado Springs Hires LAPD Veteran as Chief

A 28-year Los Angeles Police Department veteran has been hired as Colorado Springs, Colo., new police chief, but some city officials are unhappy that the new chief was selected from outside the city.

Loren (Larry) Kramer’s selection was announced Thursday by Deputy City Manager Jim Munger, Kramer’s former boss in Los Angeles. Colorado Springs Mayor Bob Isaac said he was “extremely displeased” that the selection panel that chose Kramer went outside the city to find a chief.

Jim Smith, former president of the Colorado Springs NAACP chapter, challenged Munger’s decision to hire from the Los Angeles police force, which is under national scrutiny because some of its officers were videotaped while beating a black man.


Kramer, reached in Los Angeles, said the brutality was “an isolated case” and added that he will not tolerate that type of police conduct.
