
Santa Monica : Low Radon Levels Found

A yearlong study of 99 residences indicates that Santa Monica does not have a problem with radon, a radioactive gas believed to increase the risk of lung cancer.

The study by the state Department of Health Services concluded that radon levels were so low that the department did not make any specific recommendations for further testing of homes or buildings in the city.

Radon is colorless and odorless, and can only be detected with special instruments. It is formed by the decay of radium in soil and rock. It can migrate into homes through cracks and openings in floors and concrete slabs or basement walls.


Concern about radon has grown because of the discovery of elevated levels of the gas in homes nationwide in areas where there are natural deposits of uranium or low resistance to gas flow in the soil or rock.

The state study confirmed a belief by city officials that because of the city’s geologic conditions, Santa Monica would not likely have a radon problem.
