
West Hollywood : 20% Water Cut Ordered

The West Hollywood City Council on Monday night adopted a measure calling for a 20% citywide reduction in water use from 1986 levels.

The measure reflects recent water reduction targets set by the Metropolitan Water District, city officials said. It is effective immediately.

The council also approved several measures aimed at helping residents and businesses meet the goal.


Property owners can now water only on designated irrigation days: even-numbered addresses on even-numbered days, odd-numbered addresses on odd-numbered days. The number of daily watering hours also has been reduced from 12 to 10. The council expanded a previous ban on hosing down sidewalks and parking areas to include tennis courts, patios and all other paved areas. Building owners are now required to repair all leaks within 48 hours of discovery.

First-time offenders will be notified in writing but not fined. Offenses thereafter will bring fines of $100 to $500. To enforce the new rules, the city is planning to hire a special code enforcement officer. Officials in the city’s environmental services division say the selection process will take about two months. They will appoint a temporary officer in the interim.

“We want to send as clear a message as possible that wasting water has a cost,” said Kevin Hendrick, the city’s environmental services manager. “When the drought ends, people will still need to adapt. These measures are aimed at teaching them how to cut down over the long run.”
