
Families on Welfare

Welfare mother Christine complains that she spends “grueling” 12-hour days searching through trash to supplement the $700 per month that she gets from welfare. She also states that her child is in school.

I’m sure that she could get off welfare if she spent part of those “grueling” 12-hour days training for or looking for a job.

In addition to the $8,400 per year cash that she gets from my taxes, she probably also gets benefits by way of food stamps and Medi-Cal. Also, we taxpayers are paying the bill to educate her offspring.


I don’t want any children to go hungry or to be denied an education. However, something needs to be made clear to what is now often second- and third-generation welfare recipients: The time of “no work, have babies and get welfare” may be coming to an end.

Just like the liberals who “opposed the war, but supported the troops,” I oppose the current welfare system, but have compassion for, and support, literally, the children.


