
SEAL BEACH : Council Approves Water-Saving Plan

The City Council approved a water-conservation plan Monday that calls for voluntary measures in its initial phase and mandatory measures later on.

During the first phase, the city will ask residents to follow recommendations such as watering lawns, washing cars or filling swimming pools only on designated days, determined by address, between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

In the final phase, which would occur after the city declares a water emergency, all outdoor watering of plants, filling of swimming pools and operation of ornamental fountains would be prohibited.


The Water Department will monitor the city’s water supply and demand each month and recommend to the City Council which phase of the plan is appropriate.

City officials will issue written notices to first-time violators and fine second violators 15% of their water bill. Following a third violation, the Public Works Department will install a flow-restricting device.
