
ANAHEIM : Free Water-Saving Kits Are Available

Free water conservation kits that include low-flow shower heads are now available to Anaheim residents. The kits also include a toilet dam, faucet aerators and toilet tank leak detection tablets.

The shower heads can save up to 5 gallons of water per minute and also reduce water-heating costs. The toilet dam can save up to 2 gallons per flush, and aerators can cut a faucet flow in half without reducing its effectiveness. The leak detection tablets help find slow leaks.

The kits are being distributed at city libraries, community and senior centers, the Nature Center and the Civic Center. The Public Utilities Department has placed water conservation literature racks at these locations that include information about landscape watering guides and other suggestions for saving water.


The city has also established a water hot line, (714) 991-DRIP, that residents can call for water conservation advice, to report water wasters or to ask the city for a free water-use audit.
