
The Day in the Gulf

* CRUSHING THE REVOLT: Iraq’s Saddam Hussein has intensified artillery and rocket assaults to suppress the revolt against his regime, sources said. Reports from freed journalists, Iraqi resistance leaders in exile and Iranian sources said brutal combat continues across the country. Hussein’s forces reportedly still have not retaken Basra, Iraq’s second-largest city, contradicting some earlier reports.

* CHEMICAL THREAT: U.S. officials said that Iraq has been warned it may face renewed air attacks if it uses chemical weapons to quell uprisings. Resistance forces repeated claims that Iraqi troops have used poison gas against them.

* PROMISES OF DEMOCRACY: Sheik Jabbar al Ahmed al Sabah, the emir of Kuwait, announced he will return home this week and said he is firmly committed to moving his country toward democracy. He even suggested he might consider extending voting rights to Kuwaiti women, an audacious idea in the conservative Muslim Persian Gulf.


* BAKER IN KUWAIT: Secretary of State James A. Baker III became the highest-ranking American official to see the Iraqi-caused destruction of Kuwait. He took a jet tour of the emirate after meeting with Kuwait’s exiled emir in Saudi Arabia and its crown prince in Kuwait.

* ADVICE FROM BUSH: President Bush said in an interview with Arab journalists that Iraq must rebuild its own devastated infrastructure and that other Arab nations must undertake the job of ensuring peace and economic development in the postwar Persian Gulf.

* POWS HEAD HOME: Twenty-one former American prisoners of war left for home, rest and VIP welcomes. Doctors who had treated the prisoners aboard the Navy hospital ship Mercy said they are in good condition.
