
Gwynn Has Earned Fans’ Respect; Clark Has Earned Their Scorn

I am writing this letter in response to the Tony Gwynn article (“Gwynn Challenges Story on Doll, Clark”, March 4). I have been following the stories on the feud between Gwynn and Clark with growing anger.

The Tony Gwynn that Jack Clark describes just doesn’t sound like the one who visited our El Cajon May Company (where I work) to sign autographs a short time before the infamous doll incident. He was very gracious, and he even signed autographs for employees (including myself) who had to work and couldn’t stand in line.

The thing is, Gwynn is respected by fans, and he has earned it. Jack Clark is a spoiled baby who has never earned respect. He throws tantrums and acts like a macho bully. I certainly didn’t cry when he and his “partner in crime,” Mike Pagliarulo, left the Padres. I say, “good riddance!” I feel sorry for the teams they have gone to, though.


Don’t worry, Tony--your fans still love you!


