
HOT SHOTS: Maybe producing a Bangles album...

HOT SHOTS: Maybe producing a Bangles album isn’t such a bad career move. First Davitt Sigerson, who produced the now-defunct band’s “Everything” album, was named president of Polydor Records. Now we hear that David Kahane, who produced the group’s “All Over the Place” and “A Different Light” albums, has moved to New York to run Columbia Records’ A&R; department. . . . Elvis Costello, who once took potshots at prying journalists, has crossed over to enemy territory, chatting with Jerry Garcia--and posing with him on the cover of the current Musician magazine. But that doesn’t mean EC has put his studio career on hold. His new album, “Mighty Like a Rose,” is due out April 30 from Warner Records. It features such songs as “Hurry Down Doomsday (The Bugs Are Taking Over),” “So Like Candy” and “Playboy to a Man” (co-written with Paul McCartney), “Broken” (written by his wife, Cait O’Riordan), “How To Be Dumb” and “Invasion Hit Parade,” which features his father on trumpet. . . . And (hold the applause, please) Ozzy Osbourne claims that he’s making his last album! The aging heavy-metal bad boy plans to release the record in June, to be followed by his farewell tour. Sez Oz: “Who knows where I’ll turn up? There are a lot of musical roads I might take, none of which, by the way, will intersect with Black Sabbath.”
