
ANAHEIM : Park Is Approved for Jeffrey-Lynne

After a public hearing in which overwhelming support was voiced for a plan to build a play area in the Jeffrey-Lynne neighborhood, the City Council this week unanimously approved the project’s final stage.

Residents of the area, near Disneyland, have long supported converting Audre Drive to a closed-off play area for children in the neighborhood’s apartment complexes, but residents living in the adjoining neighborhood recently expressed concern about the plan.

Residents of single-family homes on Laster Street said they were worried that closing the street would create traffic problems, and that a park could attract gang members and drug dealers.


However, after a number of meetings with city officials, the residents agreed to work with the city and other neighbors to keep an eye on the new park and attempt to prevent such problems.

The park, to be named Audre Plaza, will have swings, toys and recreational areas such as two basketball half-courts and four tetherball courts.

The street will be closed from Jeffrey Drive to Hampstead Street, and three streets, Michelle, Hampstead and Jeffrey, will be closed to vehicular traffic at Audre Drive, creating some parking problems.


The street will be closed off March 13, with construction scheduled to begin March 18. The park is expected to open by April 1.
