
Driver Arrested After Deputy Hit by Truck

An off-duty deputy trying to rescue a woman he saw being pulled by the hair into a pickup truck by her husband in Saugus was hit by the truck and injured, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said Wednesday.

Deputy David Disbro, whose injured left leg was too swollen for doctors to determine if the bone had been broken, is expected to fully recover, Sheriff’s Lt. Jeff Springs said. Disbro was treated at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital and released, Springs said.

Pier Spaccia, 33, of Saugus was charged with spousal abuse and assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer and freed on $15,000 bail, Springs said.


Springs said Disbro was on his way to work about 10:15 p.m. Tuesday when he noticed Spaccia near Bouquet Canyon and Alamogordo roads. Spaccia was pulling his wife from her car into his truck by her hair, Springs said, and Disbro “didn’t know if it was domestic violence or a kidnaping.”

Disbro put on his uniform jacket, identified himself as a deputy and tried to stop Spaccia from driving away with the woman, who turned out to be his wife, Springs said. But Spaccia drove toward the deputy, striking Disbro’s leg as the officer tried to jump out of the way and knocking him to the ground, Springs said.
