
THOUSAND OAKS : Schools Prepare for $4.2-Million Deficit

Citing cuts in state funding and reduced lottery receipts, Conejo Valley education officials said preliminary budget figures suggest that they are facing a $4.2-million deficit in the coming school year.

Letters were sent last week to about 25 temporary teachers and several temporary psychologists and counselors saying they may not be rehired for the 1991-92 school year, said Leean Nemeroff, assistant superintendent of personnel services.

About 15 school administrators, such as principals, psychologists and counselors, will receive notice Friday that they may be reassigned in the coming school year, Nemeroff said, adding that they would not lose their jobs.


Layoffs in classified staff--such as custodians or food workers--are expected in the spring, but officials do not anticipate laying off any permanent teachers, she said.

The Conejo Valley Unified School District’s $68.9-million initial budget forecast will be presented at tonight’s school board meeting, reflecting no cost-of-living increase from the state as proposed by Gov. Pete Wilson.

Lottery money is expected to decrease during the next year, from $122 to $120 per student. Officials expect to add about 23 students in the fall to bring the district’s enrollment to about 17,025.


About $4.2 million will have to be cut to balance the district’s budget and provide for a $500,000 contingency plan, said Sarah Hart, assistant superintendent of business services.

“This assumes that all programs are going to spend all of their money for this year. Every bit we can save this year is that much less we have to cut next year,” Hart said.

School board members will review the initial budget forecast at 7:30 p.m. at Westlake High School in Westlake Village.
