
OJAI : Retailers Lobby for Seats on Study Panel

Ojai merchants began lobbying Wednesday for a voice on the city’s new annexation study committee.

Councilman James D. Loebl said he was stunned when a merchant demanded representation after Loebl delivered a State of the City address to the Ojai Valley Chamber of Commerce.

At Loebl’s prompting, the City Council on Feb. 9 named 29 residents from throughout the Ojai Valley to serve on the committee. The group will help determine if Ojai should expand its boundaries or form a valleywide city.


Les Gardner, an Ojai liquor store owner, asked Loebl why he could not name a single retailer on the committee.

Loebl replied that the group represents a range of interests and geographic areas and that nothing prevents the council from appointing more members.

“I was caught cold,” Loebl said later when he named at least four members who are business owners, including a farmer who runs a restaurant.


But Gardner, who was one of 50 applicants not selected by Loebl and Councilman Joseph DeVito for the committee, called the group a “stacked deck” without a retail merchant.

Chamber President Julie Wellings, an Ojai jewelry store owner, said she also was not selected for the committee.

“My feeling was they tried to get a broad geographic representation, but I think it would be an appropriate request to make,” Wellings said.
