
Norwalk : School Budget Cuts Target 5 Jobs, Administrators’ Pay

Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District officials are proposing to cut $1 million from next year’s budget to make up for an anticipated loss in federal and state funding.

The proposed cuts would include elimination of five administrative positions and a reduction in pay for seven assistant principals. The positions of two district program specialists, the coordinator of drug and health programs, the staff development administrator and the head of school site projects would be eliminated. Most would be given the opportunity to teach.

Three high school assistant principals and four elementary principals would have the time they work reduced by one month.


By cutting the positions and reducing work time, the district would trim $380,000 from its 1991-92 budget. The projected budget for next year is an estimated $74 million.

In the coming weeks, the district will continue to search for ways to balance the budget, officials said.
