
ORANGE : Man Dies in Crash Involving Police Car

A 29-year-old Orange man was killed late Wednesday night when the car he was driving rear-ended an unmarked police car, injuring three other people.

Christopher L. Kolek was pronounced dead at a local hospital shortly after the 11:30 p.m. accident, Police Sgt. Jim Pyne said.

Pyne said Detective Jim Burgan, 34, was driving an unmarked police car south on Tustin Avenue when Kolek failed to slow down and plowed his 1966 Chevrolet into the back of Burgan’s vehicle.


Burgan, who suffered minor injuries in the collision, was treated at a local hospital and released, Pyne said.

In addition, two passengers in Kolek’s car suffered moderate injuries: Craig Gireth, 29, of Orange and David Damron, 26, of Hemet were admitted to UCI Medical Center, Pyne said.

Pyne said traffic investigators were unsure why Kolek lost control of his car.
