
Smoke Hoods for Air Passengers

As merely a private, instrument-rated pilot, I have possibly on occasion been “temporarily” forgotten by aircraft controllers.

My instructors impressed upon me that any unusual delay in the next expected instruction should precipitate my call to the air controller confirming and restating his/her last instruction. I have flown into Boston’s Logan Field, Newark International, LAX, Vancouver International, San Francisco International and the necessity to clear the active runway is paramount.

For almost three minutes, the SkyWest plane sat on the active runway awaiting clearance for takeoff. This seems excessive. At no more than 60 seconds (count them and see how long it is), I would have been nervous and trying to talk with the tower because the landing of another aircraft on that runway is imminent. Being directed towards a mountain which is three minutes away would prompt my nervous call to air controller, also.



Van Nuys
