
Wrong-Way Driver Is Killed in Collision

A wrong-way driver speeding west in the eastbound lanes of the Artesia Freeway slammed head-on into a milk truck early Wednesday and was killed, authorities said.

The wrong-way driver, a woman in her early 20s believed to be from Riverside, was traveling the Artesia Freeway near Atlantic Avenue in Long Beach about 3:50 a.m., California Highway Patrol Officer Lyle Whitten said.

One motorist saw the Chevrolet Chevette speeding the wrong way with its lights out and managed to swerve out of the way. “Seconds later she slammed into the truck,” Whitten said.


Truck driver Fred Brandt, 47, of Fontana was hauling 5,000 gallons of milk when he saw the wrong-way driver headed toward his tractor-trailer rig, Whitten said.

“He attempted to veer to his left and he said as he was veering to his left she veered to her right and hit him head-on.”

The woman died instantly. Brandt, who was wearing a seat belt, was uninjured.
