
A 48-Hour Pause for Mideast Peace

I believe the vast majority of Americans will agree with your recommendation to our President that he call a 48-hour pause in the attack to give diplomacy one last chance to induce Iraq to get out of Kuwait. It would be a true measure of President Bush’s strength if he does this.

Unfortunately, the people of Iraq will not be consulted about their response. All indications are that Hussein exerts absolute authority in Iraq and though he may listen to advisers, he alone can make a decision to withdraw.

But there is one other approach which has a slightly better chance: Hussein has made clear by his actions that his goal is to enhance his own stature rather than to improve the lot of his people. If we present him with an opportunity to order his troops out of Kuwait and be heroic at the same time, he just might do it. This can be done by President Bush negotiating an agreement with Hussein whereby both sides withdraw troops simultaneously, enabling Hussein to proclaim victory in getting the U.S. and allies out of Saudi Arabia and halting the war, while we are also victorious in getting Iraq out of Kuwait.


As part of the negotiated agreement, we must keep our artillery, tanks, planes, etc. in Saudi Arabia with a skeleton crew to maintain the equipment in case Iraq does not complete its withdrawal, with the embargo continued until then. And a peacekeeping U.N. force should be stationed in Saudi Arabia until completion of the withdrawal.


Los Angeles
