
SIMI VALLEY : Ex-Moose Lodge Official Arrested

The former administrator of the Simi Valley Moose Lodge was arrested and charged Monday with running a video gambling operation that netted the fraternal organization nearly $1,000 a week, authorities said.

Donald Joseph Zuker, 58, of Simi Valley was charged with a single count of managing gambling devices after an eight-month investigation, said Ventura County Deputy Dist. Atty. John L. Geb.

Authorities raided the Alamo Street lodge last May on a tip from a member who said some members were running up losses that were affecting their families’ well-being.


Simi Valley police seized four machines from a locked room adjoining the lodge bar, including three video gambling machines featuring games of poker, craps and blackjack.

Customers would buy 25-cent tokens at the bar for use in the machines, which would pay off in tokens redeemed at the bar. Zuker, as lodge administrator, allegedly handled the proceeds of the machines and payouts to winners.

Geb said his office had been pursuing possible conspiracy charges but was unable to link other lodge officials to the operation, even though the machines generated about $900 a week for the lodge.


Jim Frownfelter, who is now lodge administrator, said Monday that Zuker remains a lodge member. It was the third time the lodge has been cited for gambling since 1976.

Zuker, who could not be reached for comment, was released on $100 bail pending a March 13 arraignment. The charge is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and a six-month jail term.
