
Permits Reflect Drop in New Housing Units

The number of housing units to be built in the Antelope and Santa Clarita valleys under permits issued in 1990 plunged compared to a year earlier, according to preliminary statistics compiled by the Construction Industry Research Board in Burbank.

A sharp rise or fall in housing permits is often considered as a useful economic barometer.

Newly permitted housing units in the Antelope Valley fell 84% to 2,020 in 1990 from 12,384 in 1989. Newly permitted single-family houses in the area fell 84% to 1,864 in 1990 from 11,649 in 1989, and newly permitted units in multifamily buildings fell 79% in 1990 to 156 from 735 in 1989.


In the Santa Clarita Valley, newly permitted housing units fell 65% in 1990 to 1,039 from 2,944 in 1989. Newly permitted single-family houses in the Santa Clarita area dropped 61% to 591 in 1990 from 1,526 in 1989, and newly permitted units in multifamily buildings fell 68% in 1990 to 448 from 1,418 in 1989.
